NGC 7129 contains a bluish
reflection nebula and an open star cluster. Small areas of red nebulosity are also
present. NGC 7129 and NGC 7142 are located at distances of about 3300 and 6200
light-years, respectively
Equipument: Vixen
102-ED/ST-10XME/Astrodon LRGB filters/Losmandy G-11
F-ratio: f/6.5
Exposure: LRGB: L 10 x 6 minutes: R 10 x 6 minutes: G 10 x 6 minutes: B 10 x 6
minutes: RGB binned 2x2
Date: October 13, 2007
Location: Borrego Springs, California, USA
Technical Notes: Individual exposures were taken using CCDAutoPilot2 and then sigma combined. The RGB image was created in Registar 1.0. A Gaussian
Blur of 1 pixel was applied to the RGB image and to the dim portions of the luminance
image. The RGB image was duplicated and then combined with the original using Soft Light
to enhance color.