When viewed close up, Comet Hyakutake
showed some interesting features. The coma had a striking green color, and during
the evening of closest approach to Earth, the comet could be seen moving across the field
of view in the telescope. This image also shows the bluish gas tail. Unlike
most bright comets, Hyakutake did not have a prominent dust tail.
Instrument: Tokina
80-200mm/4 zoom lens, working at 200mm on a fixed camera tripod
F-ratio: f/4
Exposure: 60 seconds
Film: Fujichrome 1600, pushed to 3200
Date: March 26, 1996, 1 AM PST
Location: Etiwanda, California, USA
Technical Notes: Getting this exposure was quite an adventure.
March 25, 1996 was Oscar night, and after the end of the show, I drove north into
the Mojave Desert to a dark sky site. About two minutes after I pulled to the side
of the road, the sky clouded over. I then drove into the San Bernardino Mountains,
where I discovered that conditions were no better. I decided to try the desert one
more time, without success. By this time it was around 12:30 AM so I drove back
home. When I got home the sky was clear, and I managed to take a series of
exposures. Just after my last exposure of the morning it began to rain!