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M8 and M20 are
seen together in this image. M21 is the open cluster above M20, and NGC 6544 is the
globular cluster to the left of M8. Above and to the left of M8 is the emisson/reflection
nebula NGC 6559.
Vixen 102-ED/TS Optics field flattener/Astrodon LRGB filters/STL-11000M/Paramount ME
F-ratio: f/6.5
Exposures: LRGB: L 34 x 10 minutes: R 41 x 10 minutes: G 46 x 10
minutes; B 43 x 10 minutes; RGB binned 2x2
Date: June 6, 8, 17, 19, 20, 22-29, 2014
Location: Landers, California, USA
Technical Notes: Individual exposures were dithered using CCDAutoPilot5 and then combined in CCDStack2. The RGB image was duplicated twice
and combined with the original using Soft Light.