versions: 1280 x 1024
1680 x 1050 3886 x 2482
Nikon 105mm/2.5 lens/STL-11000M/Astrodon LRGB filters/Paramount ME
F-ratio: f/4
Exposures: LRGB: L 12 x 5 minutes: R 12 x 5 minutes: G 12 x 5 minutes: B
12 x 5 minutes: RGB binned 2x2
Date: November 25-26, 2011
Location: Landers, California, USA
Technical Notes: The RGB image was created in Registar 1.0. Reduce Noise
and Gaussian Blur were applied to the RGB image and Reduce Noise was applied to the dim
portions of the luminance image. A copy of the RGB image was combined with original using
Soft Light to enhance color.