versions: 1280 x 1024 1680 x 1050 1920
x 1200
Object Type: Globular
Cluster (Class VII)
Constellation: Sagittarius
Magnitude: 5.1
Size: 32'
M22 is the third-brightest
and third-largest globular cluster in the sky, after Omega Centauri and 47 Tucanae. It was
probably the first globular discovered, in 1665 by Abraham Ihle. It is one of the nearest
globular clusters at a distance of 10,400 light-years.
Equipment: Meade
14" LX200R/STL-11000M/Astrodon LRGB filters/Paramount ME
F-ratio: f/9.5
Exposures: LRGB: L 8 x 5 minutes, binned 2x2: R 8 x 5 minutes: G 8 x
5 minutes: B 8 x 5 minutes: RGB binned 3x3
Date: July 15, 2007
Location: Landers, California, USA
Technical Notes: Individual exposures were obtained using CCDAutoPilot2 and then sigma combined. The RGB image was created in
Registar 1.0. Russell
Croman's GradientXTerminator plug-in for Photoshop was used
to remove mild light pollution gradients.