versions: 1280 x 1024 1991 x 1336
Object Type: Globular
Cluster (Class VII)
Constellation: Ophiuchus
Magnitude: 6.4
Size: 20'
M12 is 14,300 light-years
from our solar system.
Equipment: Meade
14" LX200R/STL-11000M/Astrodon LRGB filters/Paramount ME
F-ratio: f/9.5
Exposures: LRGB: L 10 x 6 minutes, binned 2x2: R 10 x 6 minutes: G
10 x 6 minutes: B 10 x 6 minutes: RGB binned 3x3
Date: May 24, 2009
Location: Landers, California, USA
Technical Notes: Individual exposures were dithered using CCDAutoPilot2 and then sigma combined. The RGB image was created in Registar 1.0. Reduce Noise was applied to the RGB image
and Smart Sharpen was applied to the luminance image.