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Object Type: Spiral Galaxy (Sc)
Constellation: Leo
Magnitude: 9.5
Size: 14.0' x 3.6' |
Object Type: Spiral Galaxy (Sa)
Constellation: Leo
Magnitude: 9.3
Size: 8' x 1.5' |
Object Type: Spiral Galaxy (Sb)
Constellation: Leo
Magnitude: 8.9
Size: 8' x 2.5' |
These three galaxies make up the
"Leo Trio," located near the hindquarters of its parent constellation. M65 (top
right) and M66 (bottom right) have a somewhat higher surface brightness and are a bit
easier to see than NGC 3628, but all three are fairly easy to see in a small telescope.
All three galaxies are about 35 million light-years from our solar system.
ST-10XME/Vixen 102-ED/G-11
F-ratio: f/6.5
Exposure: LRGB: L 8 x 4 minutes: R 8 x 4 minutes; G 8 x 4 minutes; B 8 x 4
minutes; RGB binned 2x2
Date: March 11, 2005
Location: Landers, California, USA
Technical Notes: The individual exposures were dithered using CCDAutoPilot and then sigma combined. The RGB
composite was made using Registar 1.0, and the LRGB composited in Photoshop CS.