This image shows the Moon about two days
past first quarter. The prominent crater on the terminator is Copernicus, near the
southern edge of Mare Imbrium. The dark-floored crater Plato is visible near the
northern edge of Mare Imbrium. Mare Crisium is located near the lunar limb.
The large maria to the left (west) of Mare Crisium are, from the top of the image to the
bottom, Mare Serenitatis, Mare Tranquillitatis, and Mare Fecunditatis.
Instrument: Meade
8" LX50 SCT
F-ratio: f/10
Exposure: 1/15 second
Film: Fujichrome Velvia
Date: August 12, 1997
Location: Etiwanda, California, USA
Technical Notes: Experienced lunar observers have noted subtle
color variations on the lunar surface. The image above shows subtle color
variations, particularly between the slightly bluish Mare Tranquillitatis and slightly
reddish cratered terrain adjacent to it. I am not sure how much of this is due to
image processing, although I tried to keep the color as neutral and as balanced as