versions: 1680
x 1050 1920
x 1080 2805
x 1936
Borg 77mm ED refractor, Kenko Sky Memo mount, Nikon D70
F-ratio: f/6.5
Exposures: 1/2000 second x 2, 1/1000 x 2, 1/500 x 2, 1/250 x 2, 1/125 x
2, 1/60 x 3, 1/30 x 3, 1/15 x 3, 1/8 x 3, 1/4 x 3, 1/2 x 3, 1 second x 3 at ISO 200
Date: March 29, 2006
Location: Salloum, Egypt
Technical Notes: This eclipse sequence was taken via a script using ImagesPlus, enabling me to spend the entire period of
totality obseving. The exposures were combined into a 32-bit HDR image in Photomatix.
The resulting image was processed in Photoshop CS5. The image was sharpened using
a layer created by subtracting a Radial Blur from the original image. A slightly enlarged
image of the lunar disk was pasted into the center to obscure artifacts created by lunar
motion during the sequence of exposures.